Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Class of 2011!!!

Last Friday was a pretty big day for Cal, 6th grade Graduation!!!! Talk about those moments where I get all sappy & cry...I held it together really well for once, I think if it had been back in Naples I would have bawled but new school & not knowing anybody it wasn't such a teary event full of memories, I guess I did my crying sap thing back on April 21st in front of Naples Elementary when we said goodbye to everyone.

But really...he's going into 7th grade!!!! Middle School!!!!!! Those kids are so big!!!!! How did that happen, wasn't it just yesterday he was graduating Kindergarten in South Carolina?

And now he's almost 12, growing like a weed, eating me out of house and home....doesn't help that he wanders around saying "5 more years & you'll be crying because I'm going to college!" and "Wow, in 3 years Finn will go to school too, man you're going to be a mess when that happens!" Thankfully he's not too old to be grounded for being a smart ass!

After the children received their certificates on Friday some of them read essays they had written on their memories of being at Greenbriar West.  It was funny to hear  each one say "During my 7years at GBW........" So strange for our family that they had only gone to one Elementary School, Callum has gone to 4 different ones in 7 years, and that's probably a pretty low number of schools for most military kids! We're choosing to believe it makes them a more confident well rounded person, adaptable to new situations, what great skills they are learning...and well, if that's not the case, hopefully the Military will pay for their therapist later when they have to deal with their highly dysfunctional childhood :)

CONGRATULATIONS Callum, you are going to have a great time at Rocky Run Middle School..and who knows, you might even get to be there for the whole 2 yrs!!!!!!!!!!

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